Caring with Carers

Caring With Carers is three years old!

Caring With Carers is three years old!

Shannon Kendrick



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Caring with Carers is celebrating three years in operation.


We turned three!

Many people have said, “Wow! Three years! That’s gone fast!” and I can agree with this, it sure has moved quickly. We started with a team of two and have grown into a well-established team of professionals who are experienced assessors. We have been working closely with many NGOs and FACS offices to support them with training of new carers, reviews of current carers and finally taking new carers through an assessment to panel and then placement.

It has not all been roses though. We have been working frantically to meet short deadlines to make sure children / young people are in a placement on time, letting carers know they are not suitable and working with the carers through the challenges that come with caring. However, for the most part, it is fantastic work to do. Through the assessment process, we enjoy seeing carers open up and it is great to see them start to understand Trauma Informed Care. It is highly rewarding to see new carers put these newly learnt skills into practice when they welcome a placement.

We are very excited for what is ahead for us in the next twelve months with new assessments tools being used, beginning to support the children in placement as well as carers, and much more.

Thank you to everyone who wished us a happy birthday.

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